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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:484次


    Shandong loaders wear more serious if the tire shoulders, indicating that often work at low tire pressure. Low tire pressure can lead directly to the ground part of wider central arch upward slightly, resulting in a worn tread shoulders; tire deformation, carcass temperature rises abnormally, when the traveling speed of the machine is too fast or hard acceleration, rapid deceleration, it is likely to cause a tire puncture, to the machine running safe and proper use to stay hidden.

    Central Shandong loader tire wear is caused by long-term use in the tire pressure is too high. Tire pressure is too high, it will result in reduced tire contact area, pressure on unit ground area increases, resulting in the middle of the tread wear and tear. Central tread wear serious not only reduces the life of the tire, but can also result in sudden tire burst phenomenon or an obstacle when driving on uneven road when the machine.

    Shandong loader tire tread wear scar generated wavy machine is due to poor conditions and lack of maintenance caused; of course, the driver driving poor technology, poor driving habits, and often use the emergency brake, etc., are easy to make the tire crown appear wavy wear scar, but in most cases the quality of the tire and the tire itself is a reasonable position related, such as tire balancing bad, rims and wheel bearings Songkuang deformation, etc., may be the cause tread wear scar generated wavy. Due to the wave-like tread wear scar. Due to the wave-like tread wear a greater impact on the life of the tire, so if it is found, it should identify the causes and immediately removed.

    Shandong badly worn outside or inside the loader Description improper tire camber, steering wheel outside of the tire tread wear serious, indicating that the steering wheel camber is too large; and steering wheel tire badly worn inside

    of the crown, then the steering wheel camber is too small.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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