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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:607次


    Clutch is one of the key components of the mechanical drive loaders are easily damaged , and the proper use of proper maintenance , you can extend its life. If used improperly, easily lead to failure. Clutch during use , due to the constant abrasion of parts, in particular the wear of the clutch driven plate friction plate will change. Variable separation and separation gap lever bearing end face , the gap caused by pedal in the end over the General Assembly also points inseparable ; gap is too small will produce consistently with the separation lever release bearing rotation, and quickly burn out or wear. Also in use , the three separate lever deformation, wear of different causes three stars. Different from the lever in the plane perpendicular to the axis of a spline , also makes the clutch is not complete , shifting difficulties , the transmission will shift gears quickly broke . Clutch is not complete but also accelerate the wear of the friction plate and reduce the life of the clutch. Clutch is one of the key components of the mechanical drive loaders are easily damaged , and the proper use of proper maintenance , you can extend its life. If used improperly, easily lead to failure.


       Clutch release time not too long, not more than 15-20 seconds;

       Do not use the clutch semi-detached approach to control speed to avoid friction plate and release bearing rapid wear. Also, when driving, do not put your feet on the clutch pedal.

       When separating clutch, action should be quick to step on the pedal in the end, in order to complete separation;

       When engaging clutch pedal should be slow to relax, making soft smooth engagement;

       Maintenance contents clean shell, check and adjust the separation gap, regularly inject grease, cleaning grease on the friction plates when necessary.


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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