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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:374次

    一般情況下,裝載機http://www.sgx498.com/對于前輪,胎肩的磨損要大于胎心,這是因為前輪經常要轉動以改變汽車的行駛方向;而對于后輪,胎心的磨損則要大于胎肩。另外,前輪驅動的車輛,其前輪輪胎的磨損幾乎是后輪輪胎的2倍;而后輪驅動的車輛,其后輪輪胎的磨損也比前輪輪胎的磨損大很多。為了使裝載機每條輪胎都能均衡地磨損,延長輪胎的使用壽命,當汽車行駛5000~10 000km時,要進行一次輪胎換位。
    In general, for the front wheel loaders, the shoulder wear is greater than the fetal heart rate, which is often due to the front wheel to be rotated to change the traveling direction of the vehicle; and to the rear wheels, the fetal heart rate will have to be greater than the shoulder wear. In addition, the front-wheel drive vehicle, its front tire wear is almost twice the rear tire; and rear-wheel drive vehicle, its rear tire wear is also much larger than the front tire wear. In order to make the loader can be balanced each tire wear and extend tire life, when cars with 5000 ~ 10 000km, we should conduct a tire rotation.

    裝載機的輪胎、輪轂如果處理不當,會造成輪胎會爆炸、輪轂會破碎等。因此處理好裝載機輪胎的工作非常重要。 使用指定的輪胎,并充氣到規定壓力。充氣時,應不斷檢查輪胎氣壓,防止充氣氣壓過高充氣管上應有能固定到氣門上的管卡,并禁止任何人進入工作區域。輪轂如果固定不好,輪胎充氣時輪轂可能會產生爆裂。為確保安全,在輪胎充氣工作區周圍應設置一個防護欄。
    Loader tires, wheels if handled improperly, can cause the tires to explode, wheels, etc. will be broken. Therefore handle loader tires is very important. Using the specified tire, and inflated to a predetermined pressure. Inflated,should continue to check the tire pressure, to prevent excessive inflation pressure due inflatable tube can be fixed to the tube valve on the card, and prohibits any person entering the work area. If the fixed bad wheels, wheels may have inflated the tire burst. To ensure safety, the tire around the work area should be set to a fence.

    Loader tire pressure drop velocity anomalies or hub device anomalies tire wheels are signs of a problem. In this case, tire repair station to ask the staff for maintenance. After high speed or heavy loader work, to adjust the tire pressure is prohibited wheels mounted on a tire heating or welding, prohibit the tire near the fire.

    Wheel loader tire disassembly, maintenance and repair needs special equipment and technology, so as a precaution, we recommend that the best is to ask the staff to operate a tire repair point.


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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