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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:246次

    1、山東裝載機直軸斜盤式柱塞泵分為壓力供油型的自吸油型兩種。壓力供油型液壓泵大都采用有氣壓的油箱,也有液壓泵本身帶有補油分泵向液壓泵進油口提供壓力油的。自吸油型液壓泵的自吸油能力很強,無需外力供油??繗鈮汗┯偷囊簤河拖洌诿看螁訖C器后,必須等液壓漬箱達到使用氣壓后,才能操作機械。如液壓油箱的氣壓不足時就擔任機器,會對液壓泵內的與滑鞭造成拉脫現象,出會造成泵體內回程板與壓板的非正常磨損。采用補油泵供油的柱塞泵,使用3000h后,操作人員每日需對柱塞泵檢查1-2次,檢查液壓泵運轉聲響是否正常。如發現液壓缸速度下降或悶車時,就應該對補油泵解體檢查,檢查葉輪邊沿是否有刮傷現象,內齒輪泵間隙是否過大。 對于自吸油型柱塞泵,山東裝載機液壓油箱內的油液不得低于油標下限,要保持足夠數量的液壓油。液壓油的清潔度越高,液壓泵的使用壽命越長。
    Shandong loaders straight axis swashplate piston into two kinds of pressure from the sucking oil type. Oil pressure hydraulic pump were powered by air pressure in the tank, but also pump up the oil itself with the cylinder to provide

    pressure oil pump inlet. Since the suction-type pump self-absorbing ability is very strong, no external oil supply. Rearward pressure of the hydraulic oil tank after each start the machine, such as hydraulic stains box must use air pressure, to operate machinery. Has served as insufficient hydraulic reservoir pressure machine, and slip inside the pump will cause whip pull off phenomenon, can cause abnormal wear of the pump body board and return the platen. Using up fuel supply to the piston pump, the use of 3000h, the operator checks the daily need for piston pump 1-2 times, check the pump running sound is normal. Found cylinder speed drops or stuffy car, you should pump up the disintegration of inspection, checking whether the impeller edge scratching phenomenon, the internal gear pump gap is too large. For self-suction-type piston pump, Shandong loader hydraulic oil tank must not fall below the lower limit of the oil standard, to maintain a sufficient amount of hydraulic oil. Cleanliness of hydraulic oil higher, longer pump life.
    2、山東裝載機http://www.sgx498.com/柱塞泵最重要的部件是軸承,如果軸承出現游隙,則不能保證液壓泵內部三對磨擦副的正常間隙,同時也會破壞各磨擦副的靜液壓支承油膜厚度,降低柱塞泵軸承的使用壽命。據液壓泵制造廠提供的資料,軸承的平均使用壽命為10000h,超過此值就需要更換新口。 山東裝載機拆卸下來的軸承,沒有專業檢測儀器是無法檢測出軸承的游隙的,只能采用目測,如發現滾柱表面有劃痕或變色,就必須更換。 山東裝載機在更換軸承時,應注意原軸承的英文字母和型號,柱塞泵軸承大都采用大載荷容量軸承,最好購買原廠家,原規格的產品,如果更換另一種品牌,應請教對軸承有經驗的人員查表對換,目的是保持軸承的精度等級和載荷容量。
    Shandong loaders piston most important component is the bearing, if the bearing clearance occurs, it can not guarantee normal internal pump three pairs of friction pair gap, but also undermine the friction pair hydrostatic bearing oil film thickness, lowering the ram pump bearing life. According to information provided by the manufacturer of the pump, the average life of the bearing is 10000h, this value would need to replace the new port. Shandong loader dismantled bearings, no professional testing equipment is unable to detect bearing clearance, but to use visual, such as found in the roller surface scratches or discoloration, it must be replaced. Shandong loader When replacing bearings, should pay attention to the original bearing the letters and models were powered by piston bearing large load bearing capacity, it is best to buy the original manufacturer, the original specifications, if the replacement of another brand, you should ask for bearing experienced personnel look-up table on the exchange, aimed at maintaining the level of accuracy and load bearing capacity.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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