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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:291次

    裝載機在工作過程中,如果機油的壓力低于0.2 MPa應立即停機查找原因,待排除故障后方可繼續工作,否則會釀成燒瓦、拉缸等重大機械事故。下面商河永保機械的專家給大家介紹一下山東裝載機機油壓力的影響因素有哪些?

    If Shandong loaders oil fuel shortage, it will reduce the oil pump fuel pump, causing oil pressure drop, increasing the crankshaft and bearings, cylinder and piston wear; if Shandong loader engine temperature is too high, not only to accelerate the aging of oil, bad, but also easy to oil thinning, resulting in decreased oil pressure.

    Shandong loaders oil pump drive gear and drive shaft fixing pin breakage or loss with the key, and pump inhaled foreign body and will pump oil gear jammed, will cause the oil pump is stopped, the oil pressure also will be reduced to zero. Shandong loader engine after long-term use, with the gap crankshaft and connecting rod bearings will gradually increase, along with the oil pressure drop.

    Shandong loaders oil filter clogging, when the oil can not flow due to filter clogging, located at the base of the safety valve on the filter was the top open, the oil will not filtered directly into the main oil. If the safety valve opening pressure adjusted too high, when the oil filter is clogged, the valve can not be opened in time, so the pump pressure increases, leakage increases, reducing the amount of the main oil supply, causing oil pressure drop; if when the return valve spring fatigue softening or improperly adjusted, with the surface of the valve seat and ball worn or loose dirt stuck closed, the oil will return to a marked increase in the main oil hydraulic pressure will drop.

    Shandong loaders oil radiator and piping oil spills, oil will fall, if they are clogged with dirt pipeline, also due to increased resistance to reduce the flow of oil leaving the oil pressure drop. If the oil pressure sensor failure Shandong loader, or by the main oil pipeline oil pressure sensor due to dirt accumulation and poor circulation, the oil pressure gauge will show oil pressure drop.

    Shandong loaders oil if too dirty, too sticky, it is easy to plug the suction plate, when the engine is small at low speed throttle, oil pump oil absorption is not, the main oil can still build some pressure, oil pressure is normal; but when the throttle at high speed, oil absorption due to the oil pump sucker too much resistance and significantly reduced, which causes the oil pressure gauge displays the value decline.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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