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  3. 你好!歡迎進入山東永保裝載機械官網!  聯系電話:139-6410-8518    0531-84917777

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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:330次

    Shang he loaders include major components of the engine, air filter, radiator, muffler and throttle control systems.

    1、 商河小裝載機發動機。商河裝載機采用溢流的環保動力。有關該柴油機的結構、性能參數、使用及技術保養請見隨機所帶柴油機使用說明書。
    Shang he overflow loader using environmentally friendly power. The structure of the diesel engine related performance parameters, please refer to the use and technical maintenance manual shipped with diesel engines.
    2、 商河小裝載機空濾器。過濾空氣中粉塵等雜質提高缸套、活塞壽命。
    Air filter dust and other impurities to improve the cylinder, piston life. .
    3、 散熱器。散熱器有水散熱器、傳動油散熱器和柴油機機油散熱器組成,分別對循環水、傳動油、機油進行吹風強行散熱。
    Radiator water radiator, transmission oil cooler and engine oil cooler, namely on the circulating water, transmission oil, hair oil be forced cooling.
    4、 消音器。降低柴油機排氣噪音,減少對環境影響。
    Reduce diesel exhaust noise and reduce environmental impact.


    When not working on the loader loader maintenance and maintenance is one of the important measures to prevent its failure, overhaul once, the replacement of damaged parts , such as cylinder liners , pistons , etc. ; the good adjustments need to be adjusted , such as lash , injection pressure. The thorough cleaning of the cleaning , such as air , diesel, machine filter, so that the technical state of the small loader to achieve a good standard , neither oil spills, watertight, airtight ; parts complete, complete , correct adjustment , oiled ; engine power output , fuel consumption and speed load requirements ; work without abnormal noise ; engine easy to start , speed -sensitive , speed and stability ; exhaust pipe smoke is normal, no oil spots . Carbon particles ; When operating at full capacity water temperature, oil temperature , oil pressure even within the normal range ; clutch , transmission, steering, braking and other institutional role properly ; each movement frictions pieces without overheating ; electrical equipment to work properly, do not leakage, no blacksmith ; subsidiary , hydraulic system is reliable , flexible manipulation is no exception. Winter loader tire pressure should be about 5% higher than in summer , avoid driving in the rolling resistance is too large, increase fuel consumption.


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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