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  3. 你好!歡迎進入山東永保裝載機械官網!  聯系電話:139-6410-8518    0531-84917777

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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:1132次


    1、 將機器停放在平坦的場地上,變速操縱手柄置于空擋位置。操作先導閥操縱手柄將鏟斗平放在地面上,拉起停車制動閥按鈕,將發動機熄火。裝上車架固定保險杠。
    Park the machine on a flat pitch, variable speed control lever in neutral position. Operation of the pilot valve control handle to the bucket flat on the ground, apply the parking brake button to turn off the engine. Mounted on the frame fixed bumper.
    2、 松開螺栓,將接近開關總成往前移動,使得接近開關越過磁鐵一段距離。
    Loosen the bolts, the proximity switch assembly to move forward, so that the magnet close to the switch across a distance.
    3、 將啟動開關沿順時針方向轉到第一檔,接通整車電源。將先導閥的轉斗操縱手柄向后扳至極后位置,被電磁力吸住。
    The start switch clockwise to the first gear, turn the vehicle off. Will be transferred to the pilot valve bucket pull back after extremely joystick position is sucked electromagnetic force.
    4、 將接近開關總成往后移動,使得接近開關對準磁鐵,此時先導閥的電磁力小時,轉斗操縱桿自動返回中位;擰緊螺栓即可,接近開關與磁鐵的距離應保持在4-6mm。
    The proximity switch assembly is moved backward, making the alignment of the magnet close to the switch, then the electromagnetic force-hour pilot valve, turn the bucket lever automatically returns the median; tighten the bolts to close the distance switch and magnet should be kept at 4 - 6mm.
    5、 完成后,拆除車架固定保險杠,啟動發動機,檢查所做調整是否合適。
    Upon completion, remove the frame fixed bumper, start the engine and check the adjustments are appropriate.


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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