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    [ 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來(lái)源:永保機(jī)械    瀏覽:164次

    小型山東裝載機(jī) http://www.sgx498.com/適用在中小建筑施工,工地需要大量的混泥土。在配比混泥土?xí)r,一般建筑施工企業(yè)所需的原材料大都是用人手推車(chē)從料場(chǎng)搬運(yùn)至攪拌機(jī)中攪拌混合,這種依靠人工上料,人工搬運(yùn)的方法,勞動(dòng)強(qiáng)度大生產(chǎn)效率低,已不適合現(xiàn)代生產(chǎn)要求:而大型裝載機(jī)又不適合用,為此將農(nóng)用拖拉機(jī)改裝為實(shí)用性小型裝載機(jī),有效地解決這一問(wèn)題。
    Small Shandong loader is suitable for small and medium construction, the site needs a large number of mixed soil. When the ratio of concrete, the raw materials required for general construction enterprises are mostly with trolleys from material field transported into the blender mixing, which rely on artificial feeding, manual handling method, the intensity of labor production efficiency low, is not suitable for modern production requirements: and large loaders and not suitable for use, for the agricultural tractor modified for practical small loaders, effectively solve the problem.

    Shandong small loader is from large loaders executive system function analysis to proceed, the loader of innovative design, the agrimotor car design for the practical small loaders, different types of meet the demand for the use of small and medium construction enterprises.

    小型山東裝載機(jī) http://www.sgx498.com/是一種廣泛用于公路、鐵路、水電、建筑、港口、礦山等建設(shè)工程的土石方施工機(jī)械,它主要用于裝卸土壤、砂石、石灰、煤炭等散狀物料,也可對(duì)礦石、硬土等作輕度鏟挖作業(yè)。換裝不同的輔助工作裝置還可進(jìn)行推土、起重和其他物料如木材的裝卸作業(yè)。
    Shandong small loader is a widely used in highway, railway, water and electricity, construction, ports, mines and other construction of earthwork construction machinery. It is mainly used for loading and unloading soil, sandstone, limestone, coal and other bulk materials, can also be used for ore, hard soil, such as mild spade for digging operations. Different auxiliary equipment outfit can also be bulldozing, lifting and other materials such as wood handling operations.

    On the road, especially in high grade highway construction, Shandong small loader for subgrade engineering excavation and filling, asphalt mixture and cement concrete material field and aggregates such as loading operations. In addition, it can carry on the operation of pushing the soil, scraping the ground and pulling the other machines.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機(jī)械  版權(quán)所有

    聯(lián)系人:周經(jīng)理    手 機(jī):139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟(jì)南市商河縣懷仁鎮(zhèn)工業(yè)園

    備案號(hào):魯ICP備14006215號(hào)-1    技術(shù)支持:亙安信息

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