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    [ 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:823次

    裝載機的發(fā)動機出現(xiàn)異響時,可根據(jù)技術(shù)狀況不同、發(fā)出的聲音不同、各配合副本身的工作條件及空間位置不同、響聲發(fā)生的部位及聲音特征、以及響聲出現(xiàn)的時機和變化規(guī)律等,來判斷響聲的種類和可能的原因。Shandong loader engine abnormal sound, according to different technical conditions, the sound of different and different, with each side itself working conditions and spatial location and sound characteristics, sound and sound of the timing of occurrence and variation, to determine the type of sound and possible reasons.

    1.氣門敲擊。在氣缸蓋罩部位有清脆的金屬敲擊聲,當(dāng)柴油機在中、低速變速時,敲擊聲更為明顯、清脆。出現(xiàn)有規(guī)律的“噠、噠”聲,主要是由于氣門間隙過大造成的。柴油機溫度升高或用“斷缸”方法試驗時,響聲均不發(fā)生變化。Valve knock. When the diesel engine is in the middle and the low speed speed change, the sound is more obvious and the ringing is more obvious when the diesel engine is in the middle and the low speed speed change. The laws of the "Da, Da" sound, mainly due to the valve clearance is too large. When the temperature of the diesel engine is increased or the "broken cylinder" method is used, the noise will not change.

    2.活塞銷響?;钊N響的主要原因是活塞銷、連桿襯套或活塞銷座孔磨損,導(dǎo)致配合間隙過大,活塞銷在運動中發(fā)生撞擊而發(fā)出響聲?;钊N響的特點為:從怠速轉(zhuǎn)入中速運轉(zhuǎn)時,響聲比較明顯;聲響的周期(頻率)隨發(fā)動機轉(zhuǎn)速的升降變化。Piston pin ring. Piston pin ring is the main cause of the piston pin, connecting rod bushing or piston pin seat hole wear, resulting in the clearance is too large, piston pin in the movement of the impact of the sound. The characteristics of piston pin ring from the idle speed to turn when the noise is obvious; the sound cycle (frequency) with the change of engine speed.

    3.活塞敲缸響?;钊酶醉懙某R姾妥钪饕脑蚴且驗榛钊c氣缸壁磨損,配合間隙超過一定的限度,活塞在上下運動的過程中發(fā)生擺動,敲擊氣缸壁而發(fā)出當(dāng)、當(dāng)?shù)捻懧暋S袝r,配合間隙雖然未超過限度,若連桿彎曲變形也會發(fā)響。Piston ring. The piston cylinder knocking the common and the most important reason is because the piston and the cylinder wall wear, with the gap exceeds a certain limit, the piston swing in the process of moving up and down, and when issued against the cylinder wall, when the sound of. Sometimes, although the gap does not exceed the gap, if the link bending deformation will be issued.

    4.連桿軸承響。連桿軸承響的主要原因是軸頸與軸承磨損,軸承合金層燒壞、脫落、軸承蓋(瓦蓋)松動,軸承轉(zhuǎn)動(軸瓦走外圓),做功的瞬間相互撞擊而發(fā)響。Connecting rod bearing ring. The main reason is the connecting rod bearing ring shaft and bearing wear, bearing alloy layer burned off, bearing cap (Wa Gai) loose, the rotation of the bearing (bearing go round), the moment of collision between the work and sound.

    5.曲軸軸承響。曲軸軸承響的原因與連桿軸承響相同,其特點為:響聲較敲缸、活塞銷和連桿軸承響沉悶。猛加油或突然減速時,響聲明顯清晰;如果是軸承合金層燒壞、脫落,柴油機還會抖動。Crankshaft bearing ring. Crankshaft bearing ring and connecting rod bearing ring the same reason, its characteristics are: sound, piston pin and connecting rod bearing ring boring. Fierce refueling or sudden deceleration, the sound is clear; if the bearing alloy layer is burned off, the diesel engine will shake.

    6.凸輪軸軸承響。凸輪軸軸承響最常見和最主要的原因是凸輪軸與軸承(軸套)磨損,配合間隙過大;軸承合金層燒壞、脫落或軸承外徑與座孔軸承“走外圓”。Camshaft bearing ring. Camshaft bearing ring for the most common and the most important reason is the cam shaft and the bearing wear (sleeve), with the gap is too large; bearing alloy layer burned off or the outer diameter of the bearing hole of the bearing seat and go round "".

    由此可見,山東裝載機的柴油機異響多有配合間隙調(diào)整不當(dāng)及潤滑不良等有關(guān)。因此,應(yīng)對運行中的機器定期檢查配合間隙和保持良好的潤滑。對于出現(xiàn)異響的柴油機,應(yīng)及時予以排除后再使用,以防磨損加劇,造成機械事故。It can be seen that the diesel engine of the Shandong loader has many problems, such as the improper adjustment of the clearance and the bad lubrication. Therefore, to deal with the operation of the machine regularly check with the gap and maintain good lubrication. For the emergence of abnormal noise of the diesel engine, should be promptly removed after use, in case of increased wear, resulting in mechanical accidents.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權(quán)所有

    聯(lián)系人:周經(jīng)理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮(zhèn)工業(yè)園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術(shù)支持:亙安信息

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