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    [ 發(fā)布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:293次

    裝載機制動方法可分為預見性制動和緊急制動。在行駛中操作手應正確選用,保證行駛安全。The braking method of Shandong loader can be divided into anticipatory braking and emergency braking. In the operation of the hand should be correctly used to ensure the safety of driving.

    裝載機行駛中,操作手對已發(fā)現的地形,行人,車輛等交通情況的變化,或預計到可能出現的復雜情況,有目的的采取減速或停車措施,稱為預見性制動。預見性制動不但能保證行駛安全,而且,還可以避免機件,輪胎的損傷。因此,這是一種最好的和應經常采用的制動方法。Shandong loader, the operator of the terrain has been found, pedestrians, vehicles and other traffic changes, or is expected to possible complex circumstances, the purpose of taking deceleration or parking measures, known as predictive braking. Predictive braking can not only ensure the driving safety, but also can avoid the damage of the tyre parts. Therefore, this is one of the best and frequently used braking methods.

    減速制動;它是在變速桿處于工作位置時,主要用降低發(fā)動機轉速限制山東裝載機的行駛速度,一般用在停車前,換低檔前,下坡和通過凹凸不平地段時使用。其方法是;發(fā)現情況后,先放松油門踏板,利用發(fā)動機低速牽制行駛速度,使裝載機減速,并根據情況持續(xù)或間斷地輕踏制動踏板,使裝載機進一步降低速度。It is in the braking; working position of the gear lever, mainly by reducing engine speed limit Shandong loader driving speed, generally used in the car, downshift before use, and through a lot of uneven downhill. The method is: after the discovery of the situation, first relax the accelerator pedal, use the engine low speed speed, so that the loader deceleration, and according to the situation continued or intermittent light pedal brake, so that the loader further reduce speed.

    停車制動:停車時使用。 其方法是:放松油門踏板,當山東裝載機行駛速度降低到一定程度時,即踏下離合器踏板,同時輕踏制動踏板,使裝載機平穩(wěn)停車。Parking brake: use when parking. The method is: relax the accelerator pedal, when the Shandong loader speed reduced to a certain extent, that is, step down the clutch pedal, while light pedal brake pedal, so that the loader smooth parking.

    裝載機在行駛中遇到緊急情況時,操作手迅速使用制動器,在最短的距離內將裝載機停住,達到避免發(fā)生事故的目的,稱為緊急制動。緊急制動對裝載機的機件,輪胎都會造成較大的損傷,并且往往由于左右車輪制動力矩不一致,或左右車輪與路面的附著力有差異,會造成裝載機"跑偏","側滑",失去方向控制。When the Shandong loader meets the emergency situation, the operator uses the brake rapidly, stops the loader in the shortest distance, achieves the goal which avoids the accident, is called the emergency brake. Emergency braking on parts of the loader, the tire will cause great damage, and often because of the left and right wheel brake torque is not consistent, or about the adhesion of wheel loader has the difference, will cause the "Deviation", "slip", lost control.

    采用"間隔制動"的操作方法,使車輪盡可能不抱死或少抱死。其具體操作方法是:左腳用最大的力踏下制動踏板,力求在短時間內制動抱死車輪;開始抱死的瞬間,再立即減弱作用在踏板上的力(不完全放松制動踏板),以防止車輪抱死或側滑;然后,用力踏制動踏板,力求短時間內抱死車輪,再減弱作用在踏板上的力。如此反復操作,可使山東裝載機獲得較好的制動效果,并能減少側滑。The operation method of interval brake ", so that the wheels do not lock or lock may be less. The specific operation method is: the left foot with a maximum force brake pedal to within a short period of time locked brake wheel; start locking moment, then immediately weaken on the pedal force (not fully release the brake pedal), to prevent the wheels from locking or sideslip; then, using force to depress the brake pedal, short time locked wheel, and then weaken the force on the pedal. So repeatedly, can make Shandong better braking effect loader, and can reduce the sideslip.

    當發(fā)現側滑時,應立即停止制動;并把方向盤朝車輪側滑方向轉動。當山東裝載機位置調正后,再平穩(wěn)地將方向盤轉到正常行駛位置。When sideslip, should immediately stop braking; and rotation of the steering wheel to wheel sideslip direction. When the Shandong loader position it smoothly, then turn the steering wheel to the normal driving position.

    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮(zhèn)工業(yè)園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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