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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:884次

    Fill the brake fluid
    Brake fluid gas excluded. Brake fluid mixed gas can affect braking performance. Under the replacement parts after cleaning system must be vented.
    Working pressure adjustment. At the factory, the pressure has been adjusted. After use, if the air pressure is less than 0.68 · 0.7MPa, should be adjusted. Clockwise rotation of the adjusting bolt of the pressure controller, the compression spring, to a pressure of 0.68 ~ 0.7MPa, the nut. If the pressure is too high, then make the opposite adjustment.
    4.制動性能檢查。制動性能的好壞關系著運行的安全性和效率,經過拆修的 制動系統應檢查制動性能是否處于良好狀態。在平直、干燥的水泥路面上以24km/h速度行駛,用腳制動時其制動距離不大于9m。以30km/h速度行駛,點試制動,應迅速出現制動現象,且不偏跑。
    Braking performance checks. Braking performance is good or bad relations with the safety and efficiency of operations, after overhaul of the brake system should be checked braking performance is in good condition. On the flat, dry cement road to 24km / h speed, foot brake when its braking distance of not more than 9m. To 30km / h speed, brake test point shall promptly appeared braking phenomenon, and not partial run.
    Maintenance. Clean. Clean the brake can better play its braking performance, early detection of faults. Inspection. Always check for leaks foot brake system, all kinds of joints, loose connection portion, the total pump level is normal, the pipeline is smooth, no leaks. Check the rubber parts for aging deterioration


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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