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    [ 發布日期:2023-01-07 15:10:28 ]    來源:永保機械    瀏覽:296次


    Due to its minimum turning radius is still less than half of the same class articulated loaders, especially for urban infrastructure such as roads or construction sites, plant workshops, warehouses, docks, boat decks and other narrow space inside the cabin or even a job.
    Turbo diesel engine and high-performance full-size tires, short wheelbase design is conducive loader on undulating venues jobs, making the slip road capability significantly stronger than other similar devices while in the course flexible use of the bucket, making it the guarantee by ability, both to support small-scale transport. Transmission system to deal with high load resistance needs, while ensuring power while providing high torque power output.  
    High performance engine to provide comprehensive power support, providing all kinds of conditions including engineering device power output interface, ensure efficiency while ensuring the use of diverse devices, thereby reducing the idle rate of investors, but also to a large related amplitude increase efficiency. Attachment is important as an important tool in support of the implementation of multi-purpose site, to ensure accurate content-related operations, while also relevant to the needs of the site conditions and job content is determined to ensure the accuracy of the related accessories for use.
    For large construction machinery logistics, site clearance and closeout and other operations.  
    You can use as a mobile pumping stations, providing the power source for handheld hydraulic equipment such as hydraulic ho.
    Own lighting system can provide a comprehensive range of lighting engineering. Cab slip device in the very center of the device, while ensuring stability, it is also able to fully guarantee from operator safety.


    Copyright ? 2023-2029 山東永保裝載機械  版權所有

    聯系人:周經理    手 機:139-6410-8518     電 話:0531-84917777

    地 址:山東濟南市商河縣懷仁鎮工業園

    備案號:魯ICP備14006215號-1    技術支持:亙安信息

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